Activities at LandWorks

  1. Yurt 4 crop 1 1024x537 - Prisoner Training & Placements
    Yurt alert!

    1 August 2024 – LandWork’s dream of creating a new wellbeing support centre on our Quarry Field site has become a reality with the arrival of our beautiful new yurt. Yoga sessions in the yurt are…

  2. Project Director Chris Parsons speaks to LandWorks supporters CREDIT LANDWORKS 2 1024x683 - Prisoner Training & Placements
    Celebrating Five Years – and Proof Rehabilitation Work...

    LandWorks celebrates five years, with proof rehabilitation works Annual Supporters Day raises £3000 As ministers struggle to get to grips with a growing prison population, the pioneering resettlement scheme LandWorks celebrates five years of success rehabilitating…

  3. landworks beginning quarry field - Prisoner Training & Placements
    Wonky Moral Compass

    Hello Five years ago today LandWorks started. We had just received a donation of a porta cabin which surprisingly had no roof! Three prisoners on day release, one offender on licence, and an old pot of…

  4. landworks - Prisoner Training & Placements
    It’s Coming Home

    Hello Friday evening saw the arrival of two lads down from Scotland to watch the football and escape the heat wave in the North! (You can’t make these sort of things up) As an aside they…

  5. ernie prison van driver outside website 1024x769 - Prisoner Training & Placements
    Mr Bassett the Prison Driver

    Hello I thought you would be interested in an extract from a recent PeN interview. A reflection from Ernie, who does the prison run twice a day. Taking our van to collect and return HMP prisoners…

  6. Eating together at LandWorks.
    Nigella’s puddings

    Hello We have an old ship’s bell hanging in the yard. Daily it is clanged to summon us, gather us together for lunch, usually about one o’clock. On a quiet day we will be around 12…

  7. walking example06 1024x562 - Prisoner Training & Placements
    Providing it’s legal…

    Hello The New Year often brings a flurry of new ideas and a rejuvenated enthusiasm. A helpful balance to the difficulties and frustrations others have experienced over the Christmas period. “Alright Chris I got this amazing idea, I’ve…

  8. landworks - Prisoner Training & Placements
    The LandWorks Charity Christmas Quiz 2017

    ******* CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS YEAR’S QUIZ  ******* A huge thank you to all who took part in the 2016 Quiz last year, the total amount raised reached £1140. We want to beat that this year, with a target…

  9. PeN Project - A Window Into LandWorks
    Can You Hear Me?

    Hello It’s June 2007 (life before LandWorks), Blair is about to finally leave No.10 and Gareth Jones is released from HMP Channings Wood after a 3-year stretch. Hot, sunny, and day two of his release. Gareth…

  10. finished worktop 7 small 768x1024 - Prisoner Training & Placements
    James’ Story: “We’ve just started a criminology cl...

    Hello Over the last 6 months the PeN project has been capturing peoples stories at LandWorks (no stopping it now). Publishing one every week. The blogs are simply the transcripts of their own words recorded while…

  11. landworks - Prisoner Training & Placements
    Chris’ Blog

    Chris’ blog – Monday Gives Way to a Midweek Mystery Hello Monday Mondays occasionally can be a little impaired by the residues of the weekend! But this Monday we rattled along. The 8am team meeting identified…

  12. landworks - Prisoner Training & Placements
    Chris’ Blog – News

    An insight into a day at LandWorks via Project Manager Chris Parsons’ fortnightly blog. This week answers a few frequently asked questions about the LandWorks charity.